result trial sedikit membuatku kecewa.. target at least 6 A, tapi ... setakat yang dah dapat ni (result baru dapat 8 subjek, tinggal lg 2), hmm, baru dapat 2 A.. dan beberapa B+ yang sipi2 A. ouh, if i have study a lil bit more..for sure I'll strike A for those subjects! atleast A minuss ._. serious.
Tapi alhamdulillah, byk jugak kot improve.
terutamanya matematik dan
yang b+ tu, ayyoo, ada yg turun dari midterm hari tu.. itu memang aku target gila A.
tapi tak pe. tak de rejeki. spm nanti ! insyaAllah..
Itu percubaan, the real one's coming soon. 28 days more from now.
i'm excited. not excited about to sit for spm, but the feel after i finished d spm. kuikuii
u know, that's a lot of list for what Im gonna do after spm.
huh..huhh !
antranya ambil short course-English. InsyaAllah ! Ameen.
hahaha, bila cakap, 'weh nak gi court badminton oh,..'
'hmm, lama tak pergi Times Square theme park'
'Sunway lagoon nampak cam best kot !'
....kuikui..dekat belakang each statement mesti ada - 'lepas spm lepas spm!'
tapi kena lah buat yg terbaik utk spm , baru rasa syok nak buat semua benda kann. yeah !
*sedih sikit sebab result trial tak berapa awesome, sbb memang bercita2 sangat spy dapat biasiswa yg khas for students who achieved excellent result in trial,spm. boleh la fly cepat lepas dapat result dok.
oh,berkalau lagi.. ayyooo..
sedikit terubat bila ayah cakap, result trial ayah dulu pun x berapa banyak A, tapi spm ayah straight A tolak satu. (means ada satu yang B). It was great yaw!.. tapi istilah waktu zaman ayah tu tak guna gred A,B,C lah.. guna apa ntah. and dia dapat fly 1 or 2 yrs after spm.
he inspired me lot. :')
so that..
''I BELIEVE I CAN FLY .. Yeah !''
you know the song.. yea man.
you know the song.. yea man.
hmm,Moh le sambung dating dgn buku sampai lebam ya.
treat all your excercise books, text books, as your hubby. kah kah, (apa punya statement da)
okay okay, that's all for now.
cuz I'm shouldn''t update much exactly..
shudda be study rite now.
Wallahualam. .. Salam :)