Saturday 7 February 2015

Cuz' Imma Fighter

Bismillah ;')

Im graduating this sem, from foundation centre.
subject pun banyak. including this one subject I need to repeat - Introduction to Law. 23 credit hrs.

Stress. terutamanya dengan project. Group projects, Individual projects.
haha aku perasan this one thing, I easily get stressed with group projects :'(
Maybe I cant received commands ?
Maybe I was born to lead? lol what a statement. even I never be a leader. setakat leader utk pertunjukan dan sports masa sekolah dulu baik tak yah.
It pissed me off :'( I get sad easily. I feel like I dont contribute much.

Ok,sabar :)


Im going to pursue my study in the main campus this September.

Thats it.

gonna give all my heart to this freaking thing.

Cuz Imma Fighter.
idgf to those ridiculous thing. little problems.

Easy. FIGHT !