Saturday, 24 May 2014



tika aku menulis ni, hati sedih ..air mata meleleh tanpa sedar.

Aku juga berdosa.. manusia sangat pendosa..
Siapalah aku untuk menegur..
Adakah kesempurnaan perlu untuk mengajak kebaikan?
Kalau begitu , tiadalah siapa di dunia untuk mengajak kebaikan.

Tidakkah kita sedar hidup ini sementara saja ?
tidakkah nanti kita merasa rugi,
padahal hidup didunia ini puratanya 60 tahun saja ? tetapi 'disana' beribu2 tahun.. yang umpama seharinya bagai seribu tahun ?
Kehidupan abadi itu disana.. mahukah kita menyesal di akhirat nnti .. 'sepatutnya aku bersabar seketika, rupanya aku didunia tidak lama.'

Kita ini ciptaan terbaik , mempunyai akal dan fikiran. KITA INI KHALIFAH .

'Keluar' lah mencari Allah sang Pencipta
sampai kan kebaikan islam walau sepatah, kerana itu anjuran Rasulullah saw.

saya juga ingatkan diri, bahawa dunia ini sudah akhir zaman..

Jom, mari sama2 memberi sesuatu kepada agama., dan menjadi ummat islam yang baik !

Assalamualaikum ^,^

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Comeback, Hello ! Im a teacher.

Bismillahirrahmaanirrahim ..

there's quite a long time that I have not post anything.. before spm, until now.(dah nak masuk U).haha

I've worked at 3 different places.while waiting for my spm and upu result. all need interaction with kids.. ;)
1. Al Amin Transit.gombak.. I quit after a half month ..
2. Al Amin Transit.Kl.. also same. cuz I continue my study. I took English proficiency class.
3. Now.. as a temporary standard one english teacher ... wakakaka

Its fun. but also tiring and stressfull ..
Imagine ,, handling standard one student .. macam2 karenah and kepala..
huh .. even to keep them quiet and sit on their place take a long time..kau boleh pecah anak tekak toqq..

budak2.. there must be one or two students that really uncontrollable (blh sakit jiwa) ..
so how.., praise them nicely -.-
I also dunno.. but most of the time when I enter the class, they will shout 'yeayy teacher englishhh!!' :3
no matter how loud you shout to keep them quiet , they still make the class like a playground. if there any rezeki, tggu lah cikgu lain masuk kelas kite, then marah.. suruh dorg diam. chehh, elok plak dorg senyap...

and pernah one day.. a teacher came, what I see all around, students really afraid of her, and keep quiet during her class (perggh).. at that time, my class really huru hara.. I cannot handle, they were shouting and playing like Im not there. tiba2 the teacher masuk and shout asked them to keep quiet , the class suddenly 'krikk krikk' .. and few students 've been called by her.

minutes later , the students came back and went near me and say 'teacher, kami mintak maaf sebab jerit2 dan tak hormat teacher, kami janji tak buat lagi' .. haha cute. heh, lepas tu buat balik. ahh bia la mereka tak tahu apa ^_^ , kecik lagi

huh, many things I've learned.. being a teacher also can make me prepare, for the tiring and stressfull situation that I will face in the future.

do pray for me ^_^ :*
Im going to be a university student soon ! muahh..

Monday, 30 December 2013


sometimes you feel worst

sometimes you feel your self shitty.

sometimes you feel yourself useless

I do ;'(

sometimes you are useless. not you. but me. maybe.

it is about what u have contribute. what u have have done to others.

I feel that , like im not giving benefit to others.

Friday, 27 December 2013

oh my


just want to share my sad story .. sedih ke ? 

i dont have smartphone, .. i borrow my sisters phone to use watsapp

i dont have gadgets.. even my camera has broken.
i dont have smartphone (again) , sooo i use my dad's lappy to surf internet .. .
my siblings do so .. kena share lah maksudnye .. huuu frustrating

if i have my own (laptop or smartphone or both.kiki)~ i can surf and search for many thing~ for my further education , my study, to search business opportunity ~~~
to has a nice time to spend to update my blog hmm, blogwalking, and many more that beneficial insyaaaAllah !

tggu masuk u , umi cakap umi akan beli semua keperluan berkaitan di atas...

huuu :'(

sabo wahai hatii.. saboo