Monday, 30 December 2013


sometimes you feel worst

sometimes you feel your self shitty.

sometimes you feel yourself useless

I do ;'(

sometimes you are useless. not you. but me. maybe.

it is about what u have contribute. what u have have done to others.

I feel that , like im not giving benefit to others.

Friday, 27 December 2013

oh my


just want to share my sad story .. sedih ke ? 

i dont have smartphone, .. i borrow my sisters phone to use watsapp

i dont have gadgets.. even my camera has broken.
i dont have smartphone (again) , sooo i use my dad's lappy to surf internet .. .
my siblings do so .. kena share lah maksudnye .. huuu frustrating

if i have my own (laptop or smartphone or both.kiki)~ i can surf and search for many thing~ for my further education , my study, to search business opportunity ~~~
to has a nice time to spend to update my blog hmm, blogwalking, and many more that beneficial insyaaaAllah !

tggu masuk u , umi cakap umi akan beli semua keperluan berkaitan di atas...

huuu :'(

sabo wahai hatii.. saboo