Saturday, 15 November 2014

something to say, something to see.

Assalmualaikum, Bismillah ;)

When I first came to cfs. There's no excitement in me. Even I packed AAALL my things on the night before the registration day. So, imagine the hard feelings, all in one. I don't know what I was thinking., since I really wanted to study in INTEC. hehe. By the way, The facilities seem cannot be used. The shower without the 'kepala'. ah, banyak lagi lah. malas nak cerita. But never mind, it was all passed now.

After a few months, I started to accept that I am studying in the uia ~ tak payah nak banyak songeh sangat. something like that. There's more poor people outside there living worst than I am. I should be grateful.

Now, I totally living my life in CFS, IIUM PJ ;)

Actually, there's many things to do in the campus instead at home. hehe.
Even in the cfs, solat ku terjaga. Tiap waktu dengar azan.
At home, we can't hear azan at all ! seriously. So, we just guessing whether dah masuk waktu or not. Means, kalau dah 4;30 sah2 la dah Asar. or just tengok apps waktu solat.
At my hostel, I heard azan subuh and terkejut like nyawa macam dah nak dicabut dah. haa.. tak bangun jugak tak tahu la kann ;'D
In the campus, I join the Taekwondo Club, ^,^
Our training session is on Monday and Wednesday night.
At least, there is something to do.
Then, me and my friend jog on Monday and Wednesday in the morning for 20 minutes, around the campus or twice around the field. We just started ;) Badan Cergas ! Otak Cerdas ! ;'D isn't it ?

Jyeahh ~! ;)

Can't wait to do my BEST ^,^

Jazakallahu Khairan Katheera ;)

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Semester 2


Semester 2 just started.
I was so excited to start this semester.
I have set my new azam and goals for this sem, to discipline myself, come early to class.. focus more in the class, do not sleep. and many more :* muah!

In the previous semester, I was kinda shocked. konon. Tak ready with the learning styles and stuff. because of that, I don't really pay attention in class, get bored easily, didn't jot down any notes! silly me. The result, my cgpa went really bad. I need to repeat a paper. So I decided to extend my study in cfs for two months next year. I want to add and drops few subjects to make it easy to score. Pray for me. ;)

Second is to improve my ibaadah. the wajib and sunat. In the campus.. I feel easy to jaga my solat fardhu, to make sure myself solat di awal waktu ;) Alhamdulillah. But at home, I need to practise more. Cuz there's tv, fast internet connection, iPad, laptops, air conditioner, comfy beds comforter. haha >.<

Basically, one of my targets now is to get DEAN's LIST. no matter what.
Turkiye Burslari (turkiye govn shcolarship) is my GOALS for now ;')
The applications are twice a year.

Pray for me.
Jazakallahu khairan katheera for reading ;)

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Semester 1

Assalamualaikum, Bismillah..

Hey .. this time agak panjang..

So yea~
the first semester going to end soon,.
We all had our last group photossss for our laaast class for each subject..

quite sad to end this semester, the lecturers, my dearest classmates, and the bond we have..
But I believe, the bond and friendship of us will never end,

Honestly, they are the best classmates I have ever had in my entire life living for 18 yrs :P melebih pulak aku..
I just cant describe it one by one. Semua perangai gila katak and sekepala..
what I could say is, It is not same as school ..

here, we have night classes, projects - the serious one, we manage a talk, donation and many more.. we nangis, gelak and stress sama2 .. luls~ we rarely do this back in school isn't.. or maybe I'm the only one ? haha I dont know :)
But I really appreciate it

Even sometimes I feel down,.. My friends are there.. especially these 2 girls who always motivate me. that 2 girls who always know what I feel, haha selalu lunch sama2.. >.< if u guys are here reading this, ya kno wha' ? I love yahh~
Ahhah~ that moment when I feel deadly down - it was the performance of Informative Speech, she said this.. ''hey, relax la,.. I ain't even give a f ' for the speech'' something liddat~

why u care much about the marks ? atleast u know u have did ya best.. nothing is matter. yea, aku mula terima hakikat.
after the class habis, we lepak2 kejap kat luar, kat parking lot..memang mencemarkan pandangan orang lalu lalang.. lama jugak laa..
talking nonsense and still berbincang why we always feel x tenang n susah je doing something..ha.. mesti ada sebab.,and about things to do and not, such as,.. u kena jaga solat, jangan solat lewat2, nanti Allah payahkan urusan kite.. haa ada baiknya jugak dalam kegilaan nya

memang betul pun .
 urusan kita jadi susah bila kita tak menjaga urusan kita dengan Allah. Hati tu rasa semacam.

Ok back to le topic..

I have 2 papers to go for my final exam, it is on 9th n 10th Oct.. do pray for me ^.^v

And! I've been thinking about what to do for the upcoming semester break ..
one of them,, which I have started it already :D --> To Watch Harry Potter Movies back-to-back from the first season. reput laaa aku.. hahaha for now, season 1 done..
akan bersambung.. can't wait !

Ok that's all
Goodluck for me !

Thank you ! :*

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Apakah hari ini ?? Takdir ? Allah mahu mengajar aku sesuatu

Assalamualaikum, Bismillah..

nak menyumpah boleh harini ? :P

Sumpah laa ada beza kalau kita solat / menjaga waktu.. ada bezanya awal dan lambat kita solat.. especially solat subuh..
kau jaga solat2 kau.. mudah urusan2 kau.. percaya do! rasa masa banyaaak je.. macam lebih 24 jam sehari :) kau rasa tenang, kau tak rasa guilty selalu.. kalau kita solat subuh lambat especially, rasa berdosa satu harii.. ergghh

lagi satu sumpah,

Sumpah laa kehidupan belajar sangat tough dan memerlukan kita meletakkan pengharapan yang super tinggi kat Allah swt .. The Only One.. Nangessss :'(

wehh and another thing..

Seriously !! Result is almost nothing, The thing is our effort ..
Hah ? Dah buat yang terbaik ? wallahualam..
*aku rasa aku belum buat yang terbaikk <-- because I dont really like the subjects for this sem* So Im pretty damn sure I have not do my best yet for this sem.. omg. -_-

next sem and sem2 seterusnya,.. I wanna try and do my very best..hihi
dah taknak dah miss2 kelas or lambat2 gi kelas... Im sick of it.. Seriously I hate it..

Aku pelajar..
kalau la aku mati dalam kesungguhan menuntut ilmu, mungkin aku syahid..Allahu..

Aku nak belajar.. nak belajar elok2, lillahitaala..

aim jangka pendek aku sekarang nk belajar elok2 untuk layakkan aku dapat biasiswa for degree nanti.. or nk belajar kat turkiy.. hihi.. ntah hape2 je an angan2 aku?

tapi xpe, biar lah .. tak cepat pun, Allah akan bagi jugak someday..